Growth In Number Of Cambodia Students To Attend Private Universities

Since 2000, there have been more and more private educational institutions being developing in Cambodia. Alongside with this, the government of Cambodia supports the development of private universities in order to build higher education in Cambodia with public universities. Needless to say, the number of students who enroll in private universities is increasing rapidly from year to year. This is because of several reasons.

First of all, every university has strong desire to gain more students. To achieve this, each university is trying to compete with one another by using different strategies. For instance, they improve the environment of the classroom as we as the campus. More classrooms are equipped with air-conditioners, computers, and overhead projectors, which enable teaching and learning process to go smoothly. The campus is wide and spacious for parking.

Moreover, the internet is free for the students to do research at any time they want. What is more, some private universities have built their own libraries, which are equipped with up-to-date facilities, For example, air-conditioners, computers with the internet, comfortable furniture, and in which a variety of books are displayed. They not revise the curriculum according t0 the real needs in our country.

This can really satisfy the needs of the students, and it can also guarantee that after graduating, students will be able to get a job. In addition to this, some university reduces the school fees so that the people with average living standard can afford to study. They also offer scholarship for the best students.

Finally, with a sharp rise in number of students graduating from high schools, a graduate increase of family finance, and general belief that private universities are better than public ones, parents usually chooses a suitable private university, which they believe can​ highly educate their children, for their offspring.

In brief, with the real effort of the private universities, and a rapid rise in population and living standard of Cambodia, private universities receive a great number of students every year.

The Usefulness Of The Palm Trees

             We have a lot of natural riches in Cambodia above all, the palm trees grow up in the central low-lying land. They are high, light black. Their midribs have saws, forked green leaves. The palm-trees have a plenty of advantages, such as:
Their trunks are used for constructions and furniture, including, homes, school, bridges, tables, desks, bookcases, chairs, beds, boats, ox-carts, pigsties, barns, cow-stables, hen-lofts, pigeon-lofts, and firewood. Whereas their roots are used for some ancient remedies, such as: hemorrhoid. Whereas their leaves are used for material objects.

They include hates, mate, (hem a mat), baskets, making the cakes, sheets or palm leaves for roofing, such as, cottages pigsties, hen-lofts, cow-stables, barns, especially, houses, and their twigs are used for to tie, such as, sheets of palm leaves, cakes. Whereas their midribs are used for hedges, walls of hen-lofts, to make cow-ropes, to make small flat baskets, to make hammocks, to make palm rocks (carried-hangs). As for barks of the palm trees are used for firewood, to make sweeps, to make cow-shovels, to hem or weave cow-ropes. Whereas male and female palm-flowers are used for production and refining sugar, palm juice to drink, palm sugar.

Besides these, palm juice can refine or produce as in palm-sugar, palm wine, vinegar, on the other hands male palm flowers can make ancient remedies. As for the raw palm fruit can cook the soup, eat section of palm fruit, peel section of palm fruit to make the dessert, sometimes people cut them tor cows. When the palm fruit ripe, they can make cakes, or jelly. They are delicious I like.

Whereas palm-seeds can plant on the dikes, hill hocks, gardens. We can choose them to take buds in palm-shells to eat. As for palm-seedlings can pull to boll them eating. Whereas young green buds if of palm tree can eat or cook the meal.

The palm trees are important for people and animals. Furthermore, they are fresh green beauty in our environment in Cambodia. So that, we all must take care of and know their advantages forever.

Agriculture in Cambodia

Cambodia locates in South-east Asia, and it is in tropical area. Cambodia consists of a basin-shaped low land area enclosed by mountain ranges. Cambodia also has rivers and lakes. This geographic feature is very good for agriculture.

The majority of Cambodian people are farmers who transplant rice in low land area. In the lowest land which is under water in the raining season near the rivers or lakes, the farmers can transplant their rice tor two times or three times by using short-time rice seeds.

On the banks of the rivers, the farmers do not plant rice. But they plant vegetables, com, tobacco, and fruit trees. The farmers can earn a lot of money. For the farmers in the high land and mountain area, a small number of them plant rice, but the majority of them prefer to plant beans and soy beans.

In my conclusion, I think that our farmers try hard to work on their farms, but the yields are enough for people in the country, and not enough to export, so the government must pay attention on Agriculture. 

Kampi Resort (Kratie Province) in Cambodia

In Cambodia there are a lot of different tourism sites, including natural and historical tourism sites. By the way, all of there can attract tourists come to visit our country. In which Kampi is one of national tourism sites that is located along National Road 2 and about 15 kilometers north of Kratie provincial town when visitors travel to visit there they will be across Kampi bridge. And it is not only has a lovely view of the Mekong river, but also has score of small islands and thousands of green aquatic plants. In addition, Kampi is only resort in Cambodia that is the settle of Mekong dolphin. Furthermore, from January to May and especially during Khmer New Year, Kampi is extremely popular with locals and foreigners who enjoy swimming. The site is very convenient for visitors because it is close to Nation Road 7 and has a largely motorbikes and cars park.
Along the bank is full of long beautiful desert. The site has been improved over the years to attract more tourists. There is floating cottage for rent as well as food for sale. Particularly, has an emergency service and security guard are also on site to protect safety of visitors.